915 research outputs found

    Incidencia del consumo de alcohol en jóvenes adolescentes en el Valle de la Orotava.

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    Se trata de un estudio sobre la incidencia del consumo de alcohol en los y las jóvenes adolescentes. También se exploran los factores de riesgo relacionados con dicho consumo.Seha realizado en el Valle de La Orotava, en la isla de Tenerife,con la participación de tres IES de dicho Valle; uno por cada municipio que lo conforma.Para llevar a cabo dicho análisis, se ha contado con la participación de 525 alumnos y alumnascon edadescomprendidas entre 15-18 años., a los que se ha pasado un cuestionario,de 30preguntas.Del análisis de los resultados, hay que destacarque la mayoría de los y las jóvenesconsideran que el alcoholperjudica a la salud. Por otra parte señalar que un número importante de los jóvenes consiguen dicha sustancia en establecimientos de“24 horas”y supermercados.Este último dato invita a pensar que el consumo y abuso del alcohol, no es solo un problema de los jóvenes, sino de la sociedad, al permitir la venta de alcohol a menores.Thefollowingdocument, talksabout a study in which, theexpectationabouttheincidencesof alcohol consuming, in teenagers, isinvestigated.Thisstudy, has been done in the Orotava Valley, in theislandof Tenerife. Three High Schoolsfromthe Valley tookpart; onefromeachvillage.In orderto do thissurvey, 525 studentsbetween 15-18 yearsold, tookpart. Theywereinterviewed, and wereasked 30 questionsabout consuming alcohol and itisconsequences.After analizingtheresults, a 50% ofthepupilsconsiderthattheproblemswith alcohol, are produceddependingonits use; and wehavetomentionthat 24,81% oftheseteenagersbuyit in “24 hourstores”.In conclusión, thisisnotonly a problema affectingyoung people, butsociety in general, duetoallowingalcohol to be soldtoteenagers. Regardingthelaw 11/2010, 17 Dec, ofpreventionsofconsuming alcohol in young people, itisforbiddento be soldtopeopleunder 18

    Content Delivery and Sharing in Federated Cloud Storage

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    Cloud-based storage is becoming a cost-effective solution for agencies, hospitals, government instances and scientific centers to deliver and share contents to/with a set of end-users. However, reliability, privacy and lack of control are the main problems that arise when contracting content delivery services with a single cloud storage provider. This paper presents the implementation of a storage system for content delivery and sharing in federated cloud storage networks. This system virtualizes the storage resources of a set of organizations as a single federated system, which is in charge of the content storage. The architecture includes a metadata management layer to keep the content delivery control in-house and a storage synchronization worker/monitor to keep the state of storage resources in the federation as well as to send contents near to the end-users. It also includes a redundancy layer based on a multi-threaded engine that enables the system to withstand failures in the federated network. We developed a prototype based on this scheme as a proof of concept. The experimental evaluation shows the benefits of building content delivery systems in federated cloud environments, in terms of performance, reliability and profitability of the storage space.The work presented in this paper has been partially supported by EU under the COST programme Action IC1305, Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)

    Improving performance and capacity utilization in cloud storage for content delivery and sharing services

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    Content delivery and sharing (CDS) is a popular and cost effective cloud-based service for organizations to deliver/share contents to/with end-users, partners and insider users. This type of service improves the data availability and I/O performance by producing and distributing replicas of shared contents. However, such a technique increases the storage/network resources utilization. This paper introduces a threefold methodology to improve the trade-off between I/O performance and capacity utilization of cloud storage for CDS services. This methodology includes: i) Definition of a classification model for identifying types of users and contents by analyzing their consumption/ demand and sharing patterns, ii) Usage of the classification model for defining content availability and load balancing schemes, and iii) Integration of a dynamic availability scheme into a cloud based CDS system. Our method was implemented ¿This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the grant TIN2016-79637-P ”Towards Unification of HPC and Big Data Paradigms

    Curbing the menace of antimicrobial resistance in developing countries

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    Several reports suggest that antimicrobial resistance is an increasing global problem; but like most pandemics, the greatest toll is in the less developed countries. The dismally low rate of discovery of antimicrobials compared to the rate of development of antimicrobial resistance places humanity on a very dangerous precipice. Since antimicrobial resistance is part of an organism's natural survival instinct, total eradication might be unachievable; however, it can be reduced to a level that it no longer poses a threat to humanity. While inappropriate antimicrobial consumption contributes to the development of antimicrobial resistance, other complex political, social, economic and biomedical factors are equally important. Tackling the menace therefore should go beyond the conventional sensitization of members of the public and occasional press releases to include a multi-sectoral intervention involving the formation of various alliances and partnerships. Involving civil society organisations like the media could greatly enhance the success of the intervention

    La visión del asesor especialista en tecnología sobre el proceso de implantación de las TIC en los centros educativos, su impacto en el aprendizaje y su organización institucional

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    Este artículo analiza la percepción que tienen los asesores especialistas en TIC de los Centros del Profesorado, de la disponibilidad de los recursos tecnológicos que existen hoy por hoy en las instituciones educativas, sobre los modelos organizativos que los centros emplean para su uso, así como sobre los efectos que su presencia en las aulas provoca en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Para ello se ha entrevistado La visión del asesor especialista en tecnología sobre el proceso de implantación de las TIC en los centros educativos, su impacto en el aprendizaje y su organización institucional a todo el colectivo de asesores TIC de la Comunidad Canaria, lo que ha permitido obtener una visión amplia y significativa de la situación de la implantación de las nuevas tecnologías en los centros educativos en esta comunidad autónoma. El diseño de investigación se apoya en metodología cualitativa empleando la entrevista como técnica de recogida de información. A partir del análisis practicado –asistido por el paquete informático ATLAS-TI– en las 18 entrevistas realizadas se identifican patrones de uso y modelos organizativos en los centros respecto al uso de las TIC. Se evidencia que los centros escolares de Canarias cuentan con una dotación suficiente de estos recursos. Sin embargo, se considera que esta dotación, por sí misma, no está generando los cambios esperados en las prácticas educativas: la innovación se está produciendo, pero de manera gradual, lenta y paulatina. También se identifican debilidades y fortalezas en el uso de las TIC a nivel escolar y se proponen algunas medidas para mejorar su implantación desde la perspectiva de los especialistas

    SkyCDS: A resilient content delivery service based on diversified cloud storage

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    Cloud-based storage is a popular outsourcing solution for organizations to deliver contents to end-users. However, there is a need for contingency plans to ensure service provision when the provider either suffers outages or is going out of business. This paper presents SkyCDS: a resilient content delivery service based on a publish/subscribe overlay over diversified cloud storage. SkyCDS splits the content delivery into metadata and content storage flow layers. The metadata flow layer is based on publish-subscribe patterns for insourcing the metadata control back to content owner. The storage layer is based on dispersal information over multiple cloud locations with which organizations outsource content storage in a controlled manner. In SkyCDS, the content dispersion is performed on the publisher side and the content retrieving process on the end-user side (the subscriber), which reduces the load on the organization side only to metadata management. SkyCDS also lowers the overhead of the content dispersion and retrieving processes by taking advantage of multi-core technology. A new allocation strategy based on cloud storage diversification and failure masking mechanisms minimize side effects of temporary, permanent cloud-based service outages and vendor lock-in. We developed a SkyCDS prototype that was evaluated by using synthetic workloads and a study case with real traces. Publish/subscribe queuing patterns were evaluated by using a simulation tool based on characterized metrics taken from experimental evaluation. The evaluation revealed the feasibility of SkyCDS in terms of performance, reliability and storage space profitability. It also shows a novel way to compare the storage/delivery options through risk assessment. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The work presented in this paper has been partially supported by EU under the COST programme Action IC1305, Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)

    A policy-based containerized filter for secure information sharing in organizational environments

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    In organizational environments, sensitive information is unintentionally exposed and sent to the cloud without encryption by insiders that even were previously informed about cloud risks. To mitigate the effects of this information privacy paradox, we propose the design, development and implementation of SecFilter, a security filter that enables organizations to implement security policies for information sharing. SecFilter automatically performs the following tasks: (a) intercepts files before sending them to the cloud; (b) searches for sensitive criteria in the context and content of the intercepted files by using mining techniques; (c) calculates the risk level for each identified criterion; (d) assigns a security level to each file based on the detected risk in its content and context; and (e) encrypts each file by using a multi-level security engine, based on digital envelopes from symmetric encryption, attribute-based encryption and digital signatures to guarantee the security services of confidentiality, integrity and authentication on each file at the same time that access control mechanisms are enforced before sending the secured file versions to cloud storage. A prototype of SecFilter was implemented for a real-world file sharing application that has been deployed on a private cloud. Fine-tuning of SecFilter components is described and a case study has been conducted based on document sharing of a well-known repository (MedLine corpus). The experimental evaluation revealed the feasibility and efficiency of applying a security filter to share information in organizational environmentsThis work has been partially supported by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad” under the project grant TIN2016-79637-P “Towards Unification of HPC and Big Dataparadigms”